MetaFilter Stats 2014


37,078 members visited out of 65,739 accounts.

3,132 members joined.

4,983 members sent 47,256 MeFi Mail messages.

3,312 members flagged problem posts and comments 46,356 times.

13,705 members added 3,448,885 favorites.

86,774,487 unique visitors viewed 225,111,833 pages across MetaFilter sites.


1,787 members added 9,673 posts to MetaFilter and 8,785 members added 516,093 comments (with 36,733,121 words).

Moderators removed 835 posts and 6,056 comments.

The most favorited MeFi posts:
  1. A little Clump of Soul by Rhaomi (345)
  2. Forty-three Werner Herzog films that can be streamed by Going To Maine (322)
  3. What to read when pressed for time. by joseph conrad is fully awesome (319)
  4. "Because your wardrobe is a pretty complex organism." by Metroid Baby (307)
  5. useful websites by flex (297)
  6. Cooking 101: An Infographic is worth a thousand recipes. by storybored (292)
  7. Even if Bloomberg Didn't, You Can! by sonic meat machine (274)
  8. The Mother of All Self Links? by [insert clever name here] (273)
  9. communication breakdown by flex (271)
  10. Escalating Tensions in Ferguson, Missouri by Phire (270)
The most favorited MeFi comments:
  1. ChuraChura's insights from chocolate production in Cote d'Ivoire. (565)
  2. elizardbits' humorous joke alluding to MetaFilter. (532)
  3. MissySedai's story of learning about Hitler in Germany as a student. (450)
  4. chambers' story of accidentally displaying Beavis on a local C-SPAN channel for a weekend. (393)
  5. ChuraChura's story of teaching anthropology within the bounds of a religious student body. (372)
  6. turbid dahlia's story of working in a potato peeling factory. (356)
  7. barchan's attempts to get her parents to exercise with fitbits. (350)
  8. Bora Horza Gobuchul's plain explanation of slavery being featured in states' articles of secession. (316)
  9. BlueJae's first-person report from Ferguson during the initial protests. (315)
  10. reenum's comment on rambunctious kids in nicer dining locations. (312)

MetaFilter post authors added 35,821 unique tags to posts for a total of 78,333 tags.

The top new tags in 2014 were:
  1. julybywomen (430)
  2. Ukraine (31)
  3. inequality (31)
  4. clothing (30)
  5. thetoast (28)
  6. medium (27)
  7. theguardian (26)
  8. popmusic (24)
  9. netflix (24)
  10. africanamerican (24)

MetaFilter posts and comments included 200,149 links. 172,832 of those were to external sites.

The most frequently linked external domains were:
  1. (29,315)
  2. (15,310)
  3. (4,589)
  4. (2,441)
  5. (2,262)
  6. (2,153)
  7. (2,150)
  8. (1,861)
  9. (1,445)
  10. (1,353)
The most frequently linked youtube videos in MetaFilter comments were:
  1. Risky Business Report Press Conference (15)
  2. Women as Background Decoration: Part 1 - Tropes vs Women in Video Games (8)
  3. VICE News: Live From the Streets of Ferguson, Missouri (8)
  4. How To Tell Someone They Sound Racist (7)
  5. Girls's Costume Warehouse (6)
  6. Prisencolinensinainciusol (6)
  7. Jimmy Fallon, Idina Menzel & The Roots Sing "Let It Go" from "Frozen" (w/ Classroom Instruments) (6)
  8. Speed ad - Mistakes (5)
  9. Pachelbel Rant (5)
  10. Manic Pixie Prostitute (5)
The most frequently linked wikipedia articles in MetaFilter comments were:
  1. Sturgeon's law (20)
  2. Dunning–Kruger effect (6)
  3. Betteridge's law of headlines (5)
  4. Mincome (5)
  5. Eta Carinae (4)
  6. List of motor vehicle deaths in U.S. by year (4)
  7. List of countries by alcohol consumption (4)
  8. Diffie–Hellman key exchange (4)
  9. Castle Rock v. Gonzales (4)
  10. Operation Paperclip (4)

You might also want to take a look at Popular Amazon Items in Comments.

Ask MetaFilter

6,170 members asked 18,911 questions at Ask MetaFilter and 10,204 members gave 270,438 answers.

1,326 questions were anonymous.

26,801 answers were marked as best answers.

Questions appeared in the following categories:
  1. computers & internet (1,868)
  2. human relations (1,831)
  3. media & arts (1,795)
  4. work & money (1,782)
  5. health & fitness (1,572)
  6. travel & transportation (1,446)
  7. home & garden (1,268)
  8. food & drink (947)
  9. technology (923)
  10. grab bag (751)
  11. clothing, beauty, & fashion (707)
  12. sports, hobbies, & recreation (615)
  13. law & government (543)
  14. writing & language (536)
  15. education (533)
  16. society & culture (520)
  17. shopping (497)
  18. pets & animals (384)
  19. science & nature (316)
  20. religion & philosophy (98)
The most favorited Ask questions:
  1. Rock Out With Your Doc Out by Jane Austen (411)
  2. What is the best episode of the podcast? by Greg Nog (325)
  3. Personal Productivity by nidora (316)
  4. Decoding cancer-addled ramblings by JannaK (292)
  5. Shop Once, Eat All Week by Bobby Bittman (285)
  6. Books that changed your world view by markbao (260)
  7. How to clean house like the professionals. by adapt (242)
  8. Wanted : The Wide World of Weird-ipedia by julthumbscrew (223)
  9. I'm looking for real life food mysteries. Where would I find them? by rileyray3000 (218)
  10. Looking for great dinner salad recipes by peachfuzz (211)
The most favorited Ask answers:
  1. geek anachronism's hilarious story of cleaning a gigantic My Little Pony stuffed animal. (326)
  2. decathecting's answer explaining sexual harassment is from 2010 but was highlighted in MetaTalk in 2014. (319)
  3. tomorrow's follow-up on a date who didn't tip that ultimately ended the relationship. (291)
  4. overeducated_alligator explains in exact detail why Post-It notes come in ten specific colors. (266)
  5. scody's debt validation letter is from 2010 but also highlighted in MetaTalk this year to great acclaim. (251)
  6. griphus urged a second opinion for a therapist's questionable advice. (245)
  7. harperpitt's solution to a years-old text puzzle left by a grandmother. (239)
  8. bleep's tough love advice for a relationship question. (236)
  9. Narrative Priorities' advice on how to deal with an unsightly engagement ring. (234)
  10. Jane the Brown's direct advice dealing with horrible incidents from the past. (218)

Ask MetaFilter authors added 25,705 unique tags to posts for a total of 85,585 tags.

The top new tags in 2014 were:
  1. socialmedia (40)
  2. HR (29)
  3. procrastination (27)
  4. jacket (26)
  5. boundaries (25)
  6. living (25)
  7. Personal (25)
  8. code (24)
  9. flowers (24)
  10. projectmanagement (24)
The most frequently linked youtube videos in Ask MetaFilter comments were:
  1. OK Go - This Too Shall Pass - Rube Goldberg Machine version - Official (5)
  2. Pharrell Williams - Happy (Official Music Video) (5)
  3. Eagles - One Of These Nights - Live in Washington D.C. 1977. (5)
  4. The Magnetic Fields - Let's Pretend We're Bunny Rabbits (4)
  5. Lobster Pancakes with Chef Cliff Ostrowski at China Grill, Hard Rock Hotel Chicago (4)
  6. John Prine and Iris DeMent - In Spite of Ourselves (4)
  7. Katrina & The Waves - Walking On Sunshine (4)
  8. Grimes - Genesis (4)
  9. Of Monsters and Men - Little Talks (4)
  10. きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ - PONPONPON , Kyary Pamyu Pamyu - PONPONPON (4)
The most frequently linked wikipedia articles in Ask MetaFilter comments were:
  1. Confirmation bias (7)
  2. Impostor syndrome (6)
  3. Just-world hypothesis (6)
  4. Limerence (5)
  5. Pomodoro Technique (5)
  6. Gaslighting (5)
  7. Delayed sleep phase disorder (4)
  8. The Five Love Languages (4)
  9. The Years of Rice and Salt (4)
  10. Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell (4)


FanFare launched this year on April 16th.

242 members added 1,820 posts to FanFare and 1,533 members added 33,084 comments.

Posts appeared in the following categories:
  1. TV (1,432)
  2. Movies (220)
  3. FanFare Talk (114)
  4. Podcasts (55)

You can see a list of all TV shows, movies, and podcasts in the FanFare Archive.


334 members added 480 posts to MetaTalk and 3,205 members added 58,546 comments.

Posts appeared in the following categories:
  1. MetaFilter-Related (279)
  2. Etiquette/Policy (100)
  3. Feature Requests (71)
  4. Bugs (13)
  5. MeFi Podcast (12)
  6. Uptime (3)
  7. MetaFilter Gatherings (2)

There were 12 episodes of the MetaFilter Podcast totalling 19 hours and 36 minutes of audio.


227 members posted 281 Projects.

829 members voted for projects 2,762 times.

The most voted-for Projects were:
  1. Denied. by CharlesV42 (43)
  2. mapschool by tmcw (43)
  3. Documentary: Round Window stained glass, stop motion by yesster (39)
  4. Endless Jingling by cortex (36)
  5. Finnegans Sleep by stokast (36)
  6. How Not To Be Wrong by escabeche (32)
  7. Go Ahead, read my stuff. by pjern (31)
  8. Pee & Pray by Ratio (31)
  9. DotDotCo: All Signs, All The Time by redsparkler (30)
  10. MetaFilter tools: new and updated by mdevore (29)


87 members posted 100 openings at Jobs.

15 members posted their availability at Jobs.


239 members posted 525 events at IRL.

379 events were MetaFilter Meetups.

Meetups happened in 12 different countries: Australia, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Sweden, United Kingdom, and United States.

In the US, meetups were held in 26 states and the District of Columbia:

26 states with meetups

1,192 members indicated they would (or might) attend an IRL event.

The IRL events with the biggest guest lists were:
  2. 15th anniversary in the GTA by Phire (40)
  3. ColdChef and Daughter in NYC by ColdChef (32)
  4. The Annual Ritual of Blowing Things Up (now a MoMu15) by bibliogrrl (31)
  5. Tiki Fun at Longitude in Oakland by bswinburn (31)
  6. MeFi anniversary event -- July 17th by gingerbeer (30)
  7. Game Day at Jessamyn's (MoMu) by jessamyn (29)
  8. Chicago meetup with out-of-towners, April 19! by Greg Nog (26)
  9. Ars gratia artis! by Celsius1414 (26)
  10. DC Board Room Meetup by EvaDestruction (25)